A “Minergie” certified construction
The entire construction was designed in order to comply with the “Minergie” label certification.

Reducing water consumption

The building's flat, vegetated roof means it integrates naturally into its surroundings during both the summer and winter periods.
Rainwater from the roof is collected and stored so that it can be used for watering the gardens and outdoor areas, thereby reducing the impact of the residence’s water consumption.
In summer, during high temperatures, the rooftop vegetation consolidates the building’s insulation and helps to reduce the interior temperature. It also promotes biodiversity by creating a habitat for fauna (butterflies, birds, etc.) and flora.

Rooftop solar panels
A heat pump, powered by the rooftop solar panels, ensures the production of energy and domestic hot water.
This system allows residents to benefit from their own, on-site consumption for all technical facilities.


+41 22 344 88 00
Place de Longemalle 7
1204 Genève
A project developed and managed by